In 1489 the greatest polymath the world has ever known sketched a design for anaerial screw” or helical rotor. Da Vinci’s dream of mechanical flight was not only the earliest conception of a helicopter, but gave birth to the entire field of aeronautics. The world would have to wait until the early 20th Century before the first machines capable of lifting off the ground were invented, paving the way to today’s helicoptersaircraft capable of vertical take-off and landing, hovering in the air, and forward, backward, and lateral flight.
This 3D puzzle whirlybird is loaded with realistic details including a turning rotor mast and main rotor, turning tail rotor, twin seater cockpit with cyclic stick controls, doors that open, adjustable searchlight in front, retractable rear wheels, landing skids and a helipad on which to rest your model.
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