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Will you get to the Orwellians before the Wanstein Club get to you? The clock is ticking

Based on the global phenomenon of Escape Rooms, andfollowing onfrom the international bestsellerThe Escape BookbyIvan Tapia,this book puts your ingenuity, wit and perseverance to the test witheven morefiendish challenges, puzzles, and enigmasthat you must solveto thwart the sinister Wanstein Club.

Investigative journalist Candela Fuertes is at rock bottom: her fight against Castian Warnes, the head of the powerful and sinister Wanstein Club, has undermined her credibility as a journalist, and meanwhile she suspects Warnes is behind the car accident that put her boss in hospital. Corroded by the thirst for revenge, she decides to turn tothe only people who can help herin a cause that seems already lost: the Orwellians,a group of hackershell bent on revealing the secrets of the rich and famous. In order to get to the Orwellians,you and Candela must follow their trailall over London.

The chapters of the book are jumbled up, andto know where to continue reading, you must solve the puzzles, optical illusions, conundrums and anagramsthat you find. Each time you solve a puzzle, the number you arrive at will indicate the page from which you can continue the story.


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